Friday, May 16, 2008

Is that you Mr. Sun? I didn't recognize you.

Need I say more? :) (Try to focus on the first 3 days.)

Seattlites are pretty much going to be found passed out along the sidewalks. We're not used to this sort of thing. Yes...we're wimps, I know.

Off I go! Weee...


Unknown said...

stay hydrated out there, ok? :)

Margins. said...

Okay! ;)

julie king said...

i'm sure all of you in seattle have earned this sunny hot streak you're enjoying now!! get out there whileit lasts.

Banana-head Pancake said...

Did it get that hot?!?

painted fish studio said...


Waterrose said...

It got hotter as it passed was 110 in phoenix today! ...and people were still out hiking the mountains!