Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Transferring Neglect (from School to Art).

So...I had disappeared from the blogosphere for a while. This was a result of a much needed introduction that went something like this:

Evalynn, school. School, Evalynn.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Yes, I had to focus on school for a while. I had been somewhat putting it aside for my art, which I admit, I should never have done. Art is just so addicting though. I realized I had a problem and am now taking the steps to solve it. Pat on the back for me.

Now I am patching up the neglected blog with a post. Hooray.

Since I have been studying and such (studying techniques are all coming back to me now, ha), I have been unable to stencil/spray paint it up. A shame, really. BUT I did try my hand at ACEOs (
Art Cards Editions & Originals or Artist Trading Card, respectively) 2 nights ago since it is much less time consuming than my usual art pieces.

I had never attempted such a thing before. I actually had never heard of an ACEO until about 2 months ago on Etsy. Just thought I'd get that out of the way to excuse myself for the ACEOs to follow. Yeah...found out it isn't really my thing. I felt kind of awkward making them, to be honest. But that's okay. At least now I know.


Story Time.

I think I am going to stick with spray paint and stencils. Yup. Also, I got my statistics quiz back today and received a 29.5 out of 30 (a BIG change from the quizzes of the past 3 weeks). Apparently I am doing something right.


Anonymous said...

Great grade! I remember the thrill of neglecting my studies for art. But I had plenty of excuses for it!
Summer break will be here soon and you can indulge all you want :)

painted fish studio said...

yeah, kiddo, i'm not sure what's worse: skipping out on school for art, or skipping out on work for art. having non-art obligations suck...

love your ACEOs. and i didn't know about them until recently, either. we should do a trade. up for that? i haven't made any yet, but any excuse to think about art and not work is good in my book! or wait, maybe i should wait until you're done with your semester. i don't want to contribute to your slacking off! :)

Margins. said...

H: I know. I am counting the days for the summer break to arrive. Then I shall go art crazy for sure!

P.F.S.: I agree whole-heartedly. Non-art obligations do suck. Ha. I was actually going to be an art major at one point. Hm...what ever happened to that?

An ACEO trade would be quite fun! Hopefully, I'll be a little more creative ACEO-wise by then :)

Anonymous said...

"Transferring Neglect." I like that. An apt description.

S. Collier said...

These came out great! I like that they are differnt from the standard aceo, very nice.

Waterrose said...

woo hoo...and stats too! I hated statistics... My daughter called last week distraught over a statistics project...we talked and she calmed down. Yep, keep your nose to the book...it really will pay off in the end..really...